A web site in the year 2015

A web site in the year 2015. What has Internet got up to? Which kind of site would be suitable for my needs? What should I do for my website to be up-to-date for Web 2.0? What is Web 2.0?

Our customers' most common questions are generated by the passage from Web 1.0 to Web 2.0.


Although you really do not know exactly what they are dealing with, nowadays it is not rare to meet some colleagues talking about an easy way to update contents on their sites in a total autonomy: uploading a new text or a couple of images is not a problem any more. Mispelled words can be fixed just as they are found, and you can translate text in many languages (oriental ones included). Many tasks become easy: online selling, automatic updating of contents, generating information useful for those who are interested in your topics, inserting video presentations, creating virtual tours for both indoor and outdoor places and have them easily uploaded on one's own site as normal pages.


Experienced webmasters say they have many contacts because: their sites are easily found in the first pages of results on the most used search engines as these sites are "well indexed", their sites pass the W3C standard test for accessibility, they do not have entry barriers even for semi blind people,


Those words represent what we expect a web interface to be.


Up till now the experience has taught us that first generation sites were denying such easy-to-use ambitions, as the customer was obliged to call the webmaster each time there was something to modify, with expensive results for the management of the site itself.


Gropen, a group of professionals with heterogeneous background and skills, is pleased to offer its services in a 360-degree-way solution, with the most appealing feature of letting the customer log in, modify whatever he wants and fix the updating immediately on the pages of his/her site.


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